The Ultimate Guide to TMJ Treatment: Understanding Causes and Options Available

Temporomandibular joint or TMJ disorder is a condition that affects the movement of the jaw and muscles surrounding it. This condition can cause a great deal of discomfort and often requires specialized treatment to alleviate the symptoms. This blog post will take a closer look at what causes TMJ disorder, as well as the various treatment options available to help with this condition. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of TMJ disorder and how to manage it.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your lower jaw to the skull. It is a complex joint that allows the movement of the jaw when you eat or speak. TMJ disorder occurs when the joint becomes damaged or inflamed, often leading to discomfort and pain. Symptoms of TMJ disorder can vary from person to person, but common signs include a clicking or grinding sound when opening or closing the mouth, pain or tenderness in the jaw area, and difficulty chewing.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

Many factors can contribute to TMJ disorder, including stress that causes excessive clenching, grinding of teeth, injury or trauma to the joint, and arthritis. The tightness of the muscles surrounding the joint can also result in discomfort and pain.

How Is TMJ Disorder Treated?

Treatment for TMJ disorder typically focuses on managing symptoms and relieving pain. This section will discuss various treatment options available for managing the conditions.

Night Guards:

Night guards are dental appliances that help alleviate TMJ disorder symptoms by reducing clenching and grinding of the teeth during sleep. They are worn over the teeth while sleeping and absorb the forces of grinding.

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy can be beneficial in the treatment of TMJ disorder. It combines exercises that aid in the relaxation of the jaw muscles, lifestyle modifications such as heat and cold therapy that manage symptoms, and even massages.


Pain relievers such as acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or muscle relaxants are often used to relieve pain caused by TMJ disorder. Occasionally, antidepressants or antianxiety medications are also prescribed to address the symptoms.


Surgery is often considered a last resort in the treatment of TMJ disorder because it involves invasive procedures. It is only advised when other treatments have failed.

TMJ disorder can be a painful and uncomfortable condition but is entirely manageable with the right treatment. There's no one-fit-all approach to treating TMJ disorder. However, understanding what it is, how it is caused, and the available treatment options can aid in the management of this condition. Hopefully, this guide has been helpful to you in understanding TMJ disorder and the available treatment options available. If you experience pain or experience difficulty with chewing or speaking, don't hesitate to seek medical attention.

For more information on TMJ treatment, contact a professional near you.
